March | 2016 | The Asia Institute

Dr. Seunghye Sun, the Senior Director for Cultural Research at the Asia Institute, has been promoted to the position of director for cultural exchange at the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We will miss her excellent work, but we are proud of her accomplishment and certain that she will continue to play a critical role in international relations.

‘문화칼럼니스트’ 선승혜씨, 외교부 문화교류과장 선임

문화 칼럼니스트로 활동하는 선승혜 아시아인스티튜트 문화연구수석이 경력 개방형 직위인 외교부 문화교류협력과장으로 선발됐다. 외교부가 문화 외교 분야 담당자로 현직 외교관이 아닌 민간의 문화예술 전문가를 발탁한 것은 처음이다.

선 신임 과장은 서울대 미학과를 졸업하고 동대학원에서 석사 학위를, 일본 도쿄대에서 미술사 박사 학위를 받았다. 이후 국립중앙박물관 학예연구사, 미국 클리블랜드 미술관 한국·일본미술 담당 큐레이터, 성균관대 동아시아학술원 교수, 서울시립미술관 학예연구부장을 지내며 폭넓은 경험을 쌓았다. 또 지난해 10월부터는 서울신문 독자권익위원으로 활동하며 문화 분야 기사에 관한 옴부즈맨 역할을 해오고 있다.

선 과장은 문화예술 현장에서 쌓은 경험을 바탕으로 정부의 한류 콘텐츠 확산, 교육·학술 국제 교류, 청소년 교류, 스포츠 교류 등의 지원 업무를 담당한다. 임기 3년.

This evening was the historic launch of the Korea Peace Movement at W Stage @ Anguk. A group of forty thoughtful citizens gathered to pledge their support for peace on the Korean Peninsula, in Northeast Asia and throughout the world. As the director of the Korea Peace Movement Lakhvinder Singh noted, “Korea is known for war and tension today, but in the future it will be known as a place where people will come to learn about peace.”

The event started with a few remarks by our president Kim Hyunghyul and then a short speech by director Emanuel Pastreich about the tremendous risks posed today by the increasing militarization of Northeast Asia in recent months.

The group then lit two candles, red and blue, and prayed for one minute for world peace together. After that, the entire audience took out the paper doves that they had received and threw them up into the air to celebrate the hope for peace.

Kim Hyungyul, Lakhvinder Singh, Emanuel Pastreich.

Dr. Singh then delivered at talk about the importance of a proactive pursuit of peace, quoting Gandhi’s concept of “waging peace.” He talked about the need for peace in every aspect of our lives and invited the audience to contribute their ideas and to join the groups of the Korea Peace Movement that have been formed to carry forth our mission.

The event ended with the founding members inspired and anxious to go out and recruit new members. All founding members were given a “Korea Peace Movement” T-shirt for their contribution.