Progress on the Fukushima Initiative and articles in multiple languages | The Asia Institute

The Asia Institute formally launched the Fukushima initiative with the publication of the article “The Century-Long Challenge to Respond to Fukushima” in Foreign Policy in Focus on September 3, 2013. The article was picked up almost immediately by and other blogs and received a wide circulation. The Huffington Post Japan published a Japanese version on September 10 which also received a very positive response.

The articles are available in the following languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, German, Korean & Portuguese.

“The Century-Long Challenge to Respond to Fukushima”



“Peer-to-Peer Wissenschaft: Die Jahrhundertlange: Herausforderung mit Fukushima umzugehen”

“P2P 과학: 후쿠시마 원자력 발전 사고에 대한 세기에 걸쳐 대응해야할 과제”
“Ciência Peer-to-Peer: O secular desafio de responder a Fukushima”

Director Pastreich visited Tokyo to meet with members of the “The Simplest Explanation of the National Diet of Japan’s ‘Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission Report’ ” (わかりやすいプロジェット福島事故調編) on October 10, 2013. This group meets regularly to read through and annotate the remarkably honest and objective report of the National Diet on Fukushima headed by Dr. Kurokawa Kiyoshi. A central figure in this group, Ishibashi Satoshi, agreed to start working with the Fukushima Initiative.

Major steps have been taken in formulating a possible comprehensive response to the Fukushima disaster and the white paper is well under way. Concerned members of the international community are welcome to join us.