The Asia Institute


Asia Institute Seminar

“The Potential of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

and its future cooperation with the Green Climate Fund”

April 27, 2015

6:30 PM

Sookmyung Women’s University

Room 608 Centennial Hall (#18 on map)

숙명여대백주년기념관 608호


Dr. Hongsang Jung

Vice Administrator

Korea Meteorological Administration


Emanuel Pastreich


The Asia Institute


Sihyun Ju

Youth Union of Politics and Diplomacy (YUPAD)

The newly established AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) presents new potential for innovation within the global financial system. Yet there has been no shortage of misunderstanding resulting from the relatively small amount of information we have as of yet about what this massive financial institution will do. Some even worry that AIIB may become a source of geopolitical rivalry. But the most intriguing aspect of AIIB is its potential relationship with the Green Climate Fund that has just set up shop in Songdo.  What potential might there be for the future of the AIIB and GCF in an age of increasing awareness of the threat of climate change? What might be Korea’s specific role in both institutions? This seminar is an opportunity for an open discussion about what the potential of these two new global institutions will be.

#18 on map is Centennial Hall.