The Asia Institute

“History, Memory and the Promise of Peace in Northeast Asia”

Asia Institute Seminar

Wednesday, November 23, 2016   5:30-7:00 PM

@ W Stage Anguk

Alexis Dudden

Professor of History, University of Connecticut

“Japan and Korea: Sorrow in History and Memory”

Author of

Troubled Apologies Among Japan, Korea, and the United States (Columbia University Press,)

Japan’s Colonization of Korea: Discourse and Power (University of Hawai’i Press)

Hope May

Professor of philosophy and Attorney at Law

Central Michigan University

“The Importance of Korea’s Peace History”

Author of

Aristotle’s Ethics: Moral Development and Human Nature (Bloomsbury) ​

For all the talk about security in Northeast Asia these days, that facts suggest that we are drifting towards greater insecurity and uncertainty, often without any logical reason. We no longer hear words about how peace could be brought about from politicians, or see any meaningful efforts to build confidence. What has gone wrong and what are the first steps we need to take to create an environment conducive to peace and cooperation in Northeast Asia? Two distinguished scholars who have devoted their efforts to promoting peace in East Asia give their insights and suggestions as to what has worked in the past and where we should go from here.


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