EmanuelP | The Asia Institute






2014年12月20日星期六9:30AM – 12月21日星期天4:30PM


庆熙大学首尔校园 (首尔地铁1号线)








Young Collyer




 12월 20일 – 21일

21세기에들어서서인터넷의발달과더불어점차적으로일원화되는세계속에서, 증가하는대한민국의청소년들이세계각국의청소년들과함께현재의세계가처하고있는다양한문제들을주제로토론하면서관련전문가들의의견을접하고긍정적으로가능한해결책을도모함으로써더욱더살기좋은세상을만드는데일조할글로벌리더로성장하기위한발판을마련하기위한글로벌청소년포럼

  1. 행사목적
  2. 실제로국제적인토론행사를경험하고그를통해학교에서는다룰수없는최신의이슈를학습하고사고하고개인의의견을발표할수있는기회를가짐
  3. 세계적인학자들의강의를온라인오프라인상으로직접경청할수있으며, 세계의다양한최신의학문과국제적으로이슈화되는사건과사고들을토론을통해해결방법을찾는방법을배움
  4. 또한타학교나외국의학생들과친목을다짐으로서국제적인네트워크망을형성

*이러한주요목적을가지고국내외의학생들을국제기구진출및, 정치, 경제,학문, 예술, 경제, 외교등각분야에서넓은국제무대로진출하는대한민국의인재들을지속적으로키워내는한국을대표하는청소년국제포럼으로자리잡고자함

제 1회주제: 기후변화 (Climate Change)

  1. 기간: 12월 20일토오전 9시 30분- 21일일오후 4시 30분 (1박 2일)


-수도권거주학생은등/하원이가능하며, 지방학생은추가비용을내고숙박을제공받을수있습니다.

  1. 장소: 경희대학교서울캠퍼스 (지하철 1호선/중앙성회기역)
  1. 참가대상 : 영어로토론가능한중3-고3 학생 (한국,중국,일본동아시아)

참가비: 18만원 (아시아인스티튜트회원 20% 할인, YHP 회원 10% 할인)


입금계좌: 국민은행 991501-01-209169 

예금주: 아시아 인스티튜트

참가신청: 참가비입금후참가신청서제출

시상: 상장과트로피및부상

신청기간 2014년 11월 20일 – 2014년 12월 5일

모집인원 50명

주최: 아시아인스티튜트, 경희사이버대학교

주관: 아시아인스티튜트

후원: 경희사이버대학교, (재)한국여성인력과학기술인지원센터, 미래숲, 중앙일보

문의) 아시아인스티튜트교육디렉터배희경

전화) 02-734-7727

메일) young@asia-institute,org

Kyung Hee Cyber University and The Asia Institute


The 1st East Asia Youth Leadership Forum

第 1 回 東アジア青少年リーダーシップフォーラム

12月 20日(土)~ 21日 (日)

21世紀に入り、インターネットの発達とともに次第に一元化されてゆく世界の中で、増えゆく大韓民国の青少年が、世界各国の青少年とともに、現在世界が処している多様な問題を主題に討論しながら、関連専門家の意見に接して肯定的に実現可能な解決策を図ることで、より住みやすい世界を作るための一助となるグローバルリーダーとして成長するための足場を確保するための行事を主催する。 Continue Reading

The 1st East Asia Youth Leadership Forum


“Creative Responses to the Challenge of Climate Change”

December 20th & 21th 

The next generation is facing the challenges and opportunities born of a rapidly globalizing world, climate change and the rise of the Internet. It is in this context that Kyung Hee Cyber University and The Asia Institute will host a forum exclusively for teenagers from Korea, and throughout East Asia, in which they can gather to discuss in earnest the various issues that the world faces, and while interacting with renowned experts in related fields, come up with their own proposals for a better world for themselves and future generations. This unique event can serve as a critical moment in their lives, a stepping stone as they set forth to become global leaders. Continue Reading

Professor Marc Shell, Professor of English at Harvard University, will visit Korea under the auspices of the Asia Institute and Kyung Hee University for two weeks in December. Professor Shell has just completed a remarkable book that explains the culture and politics of islands over the century. This new field of knowledge, what he calls “Islandology” has much to offer to East Asia. Profesosr Shell will no doubt have much to say to us in terms of his comparative views on Dokdo and Diaoyutai (Takeshima/Senkaku).

Professor Marc Shell CV


Will let you know soon about his planned lectures.


“Islandology: Geography, Rhetoric, Politics”

(Stanford University Press, 2014)

Islandology is a fast-paced, fact-filled comparative essay in critical topography and cultural geography that cuts across different cultures and argues for a world of islands. The book explores the logical consequences of geographic place for the development of philosophy and the study of limits (Greece) and for the establishment of North Sea democracy (England and Iceland), explains the location of military hot-spots and great cities (Hormuz and Manhattan), and sheds new light on dozens of world-historical productions whose motivating islandic aspect has

not heretofore been recognized (Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelung). Written by Shell in view of the melting of the world’s great ice islands, Islandology shows not only new ways that we think about islands but also why and how we think by means of them.
